CJA Retired Judges Support Request
The California Judges Association (CJA) has approved a “Support Line” for retired judicial officers to be conducted by volunteer members of the CJA Retired Judges Committee.
The purpose of the Support Line is to provide guidance to those resources which may best assist those of us contemplating retirement as well as those of us already retired. Subject areas may include questions involving CJA membership benefits; differences between serving on the Temporary Assigned Judges program and private mediation; and retired judges' ability to continue to serve on CJA committees.
The support line responders will not answer judicial ethics inquiries, but instead will refer the inquirer to the CJA Judicial Ethics Hotline. The support line responders will also not provide any financial advice but will identify what membership benefits CJA offers and share contact information for professional resources regarding them.
The Support Line enables retired judicial officers to remain connected to CJA and their fellow judicial officers, active and retired.
Please contact the support line by filling out the form below.
The Retired Judges Form Is Currently Closed!